• Member Since 6th May, 2015
  • offline last seen July 16th


I always bring a sword to a gun fight...If its in close quarters


I'm Still Alive! · 4:59am Dec 23rd, 2023

I'm still here! I promise I am. I've been on hiatus for a while. Its been an insane two years. Going through one job, losing it, and starting a new one this past September. I'm a butcher that works for Whole Foods now. I am also now a Vtuber on Twitch. Recently making Affiliate status and reaching 250 followers. Also being a member of 50+ Discord servers, they have been taking up my time. I had to take a long break from not only Fimfiction but the My Little Pony fandom as a whole. I still love

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Report Spettro138 · 196 views ·
Comments ( 59 )
  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59

Are your stories dead?

What did you think of the FNAF movie?

You excited for the FNAF movie bro!!!???

Is everything okay, you haven’t been updating any of your stories for a while?

Have you seen the Fnaf trailer by Blumhouse, the movie looks great?!

  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59
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