Crossovers 7,416 members · 11,024 stories
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The reason why I post those videos is because there are no fanfiction
Stories a bout those videos/games in the mlp fanfiction this website or canceld for some odd reason hopefully these videos/games
Encourage people to make mlp fanfiction stories from the videos/games i post

I think we should have a few t shirts embroidered for our most active users found this service whos up for it??

Hey im curious has anyone made a story based off the furry game changed if yes please give names

New Transformers movie!!!

Hello I’m new here and i just post my very own story as of right now I’m waiting for the story to prove if anyone have tip I would much appreciate I wrote fanfic stories before but never on Mlp so I was hoping I can get some help thx! :scootangel:

Are y'all accepting stories?

Anyone else ever think fluttershy’s cottage reminded them of bag end in hobbiton or even a fantasy version of mr Rogers house?

I will admit this is a bizarre idea, but anyone know of that weird Mega Man cartoon from the 90s?

Did you know that a lot of the same people did voice work for both?

So far, the fine folks in the cartoon discord have helped immensely, yet I’ll admit that, aside from Dash, I don’t have a clue what the others would look like, let alone what their “powers” would be.

For now, Dash’s (EG as it’s quite an adjustment loosing almost all of your 5 senes AND becoming a bipedal humanoid, so it’s a human to a machine) Robot Master name is Bolt Woman, but aside from that, that’s it.

I still don’t know if this’ll extend to anything past just design concepts, but I’m looking for input anywhere I can.

So, in that case, if I may ask, if the EQ girls (and one extra as there’s still the 8 Robot Masters formula) were indeed RMs, what do you think their names would be and their powers?

Inspired from the actual match.

Blog post:

Premier upload “Friday, December 1, 2023, at 1am (GMT+8)”:

Has anyone seen this movie yet? It's on Netflix in case anyone is interested in posting a crossover story for it.

Trust me, you're all going to enjoy this movie a lot in regards to action-packed, comedy!!!

Is there a crossover of fim and the film “Schindler’s list”? I thought there was but maybe it got removed I’m not sure

Is there any story’s that feature or is a cross over with randy cunningham 9th grade ninja. If there isn’t that’s something someone could make

Is does anyone consider no man's guy as a cross over? Yes, have an Explorer show up and discover equals. Care to see what they do if they learn about the technology from that game.

It begins…. The nightmare is coming again

So I have a question, are crossover ships aloud?

Looking for a story where a human is turned into the spider boss from The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess.

Is anyone writing or planning to write a Dragon Prince crossover fic?

I think it would be an interesting idea to see Callum and Rayla in the world of MLP as an alicorn (come on, Callum is a prince, as well as a magician who likes to fly) and a unicorn

I have some ideas but not the time to develop them

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