
Story Reviews » Paul's Thursday Reviews CCCLXII - Cold in Gardez Edition · 8:18pm Last Thursday

Hello, FIMFiction! Aside from my return to sanity, there’s not a whole lot going on this week. As such, I shall keep this one short. The first thing I'd like to do is highlight Viking ZX's recent blog about a troubling issue in the world of writers. Particularly, it involves review bombing and

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Report PaulAsaran · 955 views ·

Story Reviews » Paul's Thursday Reviews CCCLXI · 9:18pm July 11th

Is that all you've got, Beryl? Thought it would be easy, I bet. Just steal my electricity and everything would be ruined. You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that. Maybe you would have stood a chance if you'd taken after your big brother Harvey in 2017 and took my car too. But no, you weren't clever enough to consider that, were you? You neglected it. Just how you neglected that a car can charge an iphone, and an iphone can generate a personal wifi hotspot, and a laptop can use that

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Report PaulAsaran · 2,416 views ·

Story Reviews » Paul's Thursday Reviews CCCLX · 8:31pm June 27th


Competition » The "New Blood" contest: Second Edition · 2:06am June 27th

The "New Blood" contest: Second Edition.

This is where the magic happens…
This is where the magic grows...

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Competition » 2024 Non-Pony Writing Contest · 2:08am June 16th

Or, Fantastic Creatures And How To Write Fanfic Of Them!

Hey, everyone!

So it's been since 2020 that I was last able to actually help co-host a contest. I've been a judge in a few since then, but for the most part I took a hiatus from the site. But now I'm back, and I thought to myself: What better way to come back than to host a fun competition? So that's exactly what I'm doing!


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Report Wanderer D · 3,477 views ·

Story Reviews » Paul's Thursday Reviews CCCLIX · 8:47pm June 13th

Hello, FIMFiction! It’s time for another round of reviews.

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Report PaulAsaran · 2,800 views ·

Story Reviews » Paul's Thursday Reviews CCCLVIII - It's Showtime Edition · 9:38pm May 30th

I've always wanted to start a blog with that.

Good evening, FIMFiction!

Those of you unfamiliar with my sleepy avatar, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking: Who is this weirdo and why is he suddenly invading the site-wide news feed? Allow me to illuminate you.

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Report PaulAsaran · 4,245 views ·

Competition » The Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary Shipping Contest! · 10:41pm May 26th

Note: PI is not the host nor a judge.

Welcome to the season of love.

Summer* has arrived (well, close enough, anyway), and with summer comes summer romances! But just who is getting together this year? Well, that's up to you!

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Report Perfectly Insane · 2,991 views · #eqg #contest

Competition » Tropical Post-Apocalypse Contest! :D · 12:54am May 8th

Note: PI is not the host of this contest. That is, instead, the lovely Robipony

🌴Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest🌴

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Report Perfectly Insane · 5,244 views · #contest #art #pone

Competition » Dialogue only contest! · 8:16pm May 2nd

Yahallo! The premise of this contest is very simple: dialogue only! Which means no prose, no descriptions, no ‘saidisms’, nothing like that. Otherwise, you may get as creative as you feel like! No limits on what the story content can be. Below are the rules. Please, if you have any inquires, ask me or one of the judges in a dm. 

The contest will last from May 15th-June 15th, giving little over a month for writers to plan out and write out whatever they like! :D

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Report Perfectly Insane · 7,159 views · #contest #words #pone #money