• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Technical Writer from the U.S.A.'s Deep South. Writes horsewords and reviews. New reviews posted every other Thursday! Writing Motto: "Go Big or Go Home!"

Editing and Critique Commissions

Need some editing done? Working on a story and not sure how it’s shaping up? I’m now doing editing and critique commissions! Check this link for more information and pricing and PM me if interested.

Public Notices

People keep asking, “Hey, I see you added my story to a bookshelf! Are you going to review it?”

I book it, I review it.

No exceptions.

Reading Progress

TSunken Horizons
Twilight glared at her reflection standing among the ruins. "You know you're a monster." It only smiled, revealing bloody fangs.
Goldenwing · 341k words  ·  595  11 · 6.5k views

90.55% (308,554 / 340,744)

TThe Olden World
Equestrian culture loves cutie marks. Filly Starlight Glimmer hates them and never wants one. So, she leaves Equestria.
Czar_Yoshi · 2m words  ·  405  20 · 8.8k views

62.37% (1,260,254 / 2,020,718)

Latest Stories

Review Blog Rules

Want to request a review? Want to know when they release and how? Then follow the link below to see how they work!

Da Rules!

As of September 21, there are 7 request slots open! Reviews are currently booked through January 9.

As of May 30, the 2025 Long Schedule is closed! The 2026 Long Schedule will open January 1, 2025.

Review Schedule and Other Spreadsheets

My Long Story schedule is completely booked for 2025. This means that if you want to request a story longer than 70,000 words, you will be waiting until sometime in 2026 for that review. I cannot guarantee it'll be "early" 2026, either. Just something to keep in mind.

The Review Schedule

This schedule lists the stories that are set to be reviewed every week. The next six weeks are always included. I may have more than six scheduled, but only the nearest six will actually be visible at any time.

The Reading Schedule

The day-to-day reading schedule, which dictates what I will read and when. Mostly meant for my own use in limiting how much I read every day, but kept available to the public for the sake of transparency.

Archive Spreadsheet

The archive. Contains a list of every story I've ever reviewed with links to both the story and the review.

A Brief Look Into The Insanely Detailed World That Is Paul's Mind

Read this if you want to see what I go through every Saturday to deliver to you folks a weekly review blog. Be warned, this thing is overbearingly detailed.

Concepts & Creations Index

A while back I started posting blogs detailing stories that I conceived but don't expect to ever write. The link below is to an index of all these blogs.

Comments ( 981 )
  • Viewing 977 - 981 of 981
Site Blogger

I hate it when authors try to dissuade me from reading something. If anything, it makes me want to read it even more. You tempt me, summer. You tempt me.

Buuuuuuuut as loath as I am to admit it, as of this time I have no reason to ignore your trying to push me in another direction. If the story were hard-scheduled, I'd download it, save the cover art and read it regardless, because there is zero chance I'm screwing with my painstakingly developed hard schedule because an author got cold feet. But it's not hard-scheduled yet, and that means I can switch it out with something else with exactly zero pain on my part. Well, except for authors trying to dissuade me from reading something in the first place (You tempt me.).

TL:DR – I'll switch to the Trixie one, but I don't like it.

Hi Paul, saw you'd added one of my Jinglemas stories to your Stalked Authors bookshelf, thanks for the interest.

Truthfully, though, I think you might be disappointed by that story. It had some good moments, but it just didn't pull together right in the end. This, I think, is the better Jinglemas one, from the year before. It's still flawed (that December was a bad month for medical reasons), but I think it's got some more interesting ideas and follows a better arc. No Sunset or Celestia, though, so may not appeal in the same way the one you listed does.

For what it's worth, I think this one is better than either of them, though only two acts of three are complete, so I doubt that's to your taste. Also there's the one currently on your reserve list, I don't know if that counts.

Whichever sounds best to you. I just don't want to get your hopes up for a story I wasn't too happy with :twilightsheepish:

Also, very exciting to see Adagio on the long story list! And The Maretian too!

My god I need to get glasses.

Site Blogger


I think I'm going to keep that image on standby from now on, I've already had to use something like it twice.

Site Blogger

I believe my first ever review was from this January 2015 post. Be warned, I was not so organized at the time and the posts didn't start getting linked together for a long while. As such, your only real option would be to go into my blog list and manually hunt down the individual blogs.

The good news is that I started actively marking them as review blogs in the title shortly afterwards, so it shouldn't be hard to follow along once you find that first one.

  • Viewing 977 - 981 of 981
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