• Member Since 4th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)

The Apparently Inevitable Patreon And Ko-fi Links


Base Ponicon Goal Has Been Reached: The 'Extra Time' Ko-Fi Drive Begins (runs through 1/31/25) · 2:26pm Last Tuesday

The Japan MLP community would like to welcome you to their convention.

Thought y'all might enjoy seeing that.

...I didn't really think I was going to be saying this.

When this started, I wouldn't have told you that I would be putting those words into a blog while it was still July...

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Report Estee · 255 views ·

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Stories Sponsored By:

Starring: Creideiki, J.K, Socket, Devas, Georg, LazyReader19, PencilNeckGeek, VladSpellbinder, J.?, Sopchoppy, CITCM, Zian, and Troubleshooter.

Featuring: Donraj (Sponsor #1), Fan Of Most Everything, Super Trampoline, Hoopy McGee, e520, BrushinBones, D.A.G, Admiral Biscuit, Brumby Run, T.G, and Daedalus Aegle.

With: Spectrumancer, Icy Shake, N.F, Anonymous, McDT2, wolfstorm56, djthomp, A.W, J.L, AarrowOM, and Horizon.

And Introducing: Singularity Dream, Fausticornrules, A.C, J.W.S.T, P.W, J.B, Nahu, Cordial Nova, and Bad Horse. (How evil!)

Comments ( 500 )
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Estee #500 · June 18th · · 1 ·


I made this reply to tell you that I reported your account to a FIMFic moderator.

Oh, and I also blocked you. Which means you can never comment on any of my pages again.

I'd tell you to let me know if this helped your cause in any way, but I really don't care. Go suffer in well-earned, permanent silence.

The way you write your comedic stories just gets me. Every intricate little detail you point out shows the sophistication that comes into play with the scenario given. I like it.

I'm reading them all. I'm reading them all and no one's gonna stop me!

By the way, completely off topic, not related in the slightest...


*manly sobbing*

Howdy. Just thought I'd pop in to say I like your profile pic.

Yes, I'm a grown man who likes butterflies and ponies.

You're still here? Nice to see some of the old guard still trucking.

  • Viewing 496 - 500 of 500
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