• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 24th, 2016


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If you haven't read this, you need to · 11:18am Mar 17th, 2015

Fresh from the "it's a crime if this doesn't get featured" list, is the short story Riverdream At Sunset.

It's written as an 1800's period piece, with trappings more than reminiscent of Doyle or Verne and absolutely hits the spot on the whole look and feel.

It doesn't miss a beat and it's quite simply a practically flawless story. Read it now, you will not be disappointed.

Report Midnightshadow · 1,270 views ·
Comments ( 181 )
  • Viewing 177 - 181 of 181

I miss you friend.

anyone has any other form of contact to the author? or at least their social profile or something (facebook for example)?
I just did tye wrong thing and have re-read ambassador's son and king of diamonds, and I am in need of more once again... and I would like to know if this is truly abadonned or not.

Hope you're alright, whatever you're up to.

Missing you. Hope you're still alive!

  • Viewing 177 - 181 of 181
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