Fic recommendation from the god damn heavens · 7:13pm Feb 1st, 2015
In the words of one of my favorite online games dudes... check this fuckin' shit out!
Fanfic writer, gamer, and whatever other labels I'm forgetting.
I'm Ninestempest, ex-EQD pre-reader, writer, and general MLP fandom participant. I primarily write and read Shipping, but my focus as of late has been on a lengthy Persona crossover. Give it a read—it is meant to be read by those unfamiliar with Persona. It was on a consistent update schedule, but that's fallen by the wayside as work has taken more of my time, but I plan to keep at it!
Whenever I'm not writing, I'm usually working full time at McDonalds, or playing some video games. As of October, it's Skyrim and Smash Bros for 3DS. PM me if you wanna play!
In the words of one of my favorite online games dudes... check this fuckin' shit out!