• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
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Prithee and well met, thou tempestuous witch of storms, to alight so delicately upon the jet streams of the cerulean sky. Welcome to Spirit Airlines.

The Goods


Aquaman's Feel-Bad Story Time Hour (Or: At This Point Whatever's Going On with Me and Flurry Heart Is Frankly None of Your Business) · 5:53pm Nov 27th, 2023

Did you enjoy (in a figurative sense) me writing about Flurry Heart being in a toxic relationship in "And I Hope You Die"? Have you been thinking (in a literal sense), "You know, I bet the result of that toxic relationship's end is going to be that cotton-candy pony princess doing things that would be war crimes if she didn't win the war she crimed in?"

If so, first of all: what's wrong with you?

And second of all, I wrote a sequel to "And I Hope You Die":

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Report Aquaman · 443 views · Story: And I Hope You Die ·
Comments ( 163 )
  • Viewing 159 - 163 of 163
Perfectly Insane

I have! It would mean a lot to me if you checked out my horror fic, which I’ve put a lot of effort into. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/539860/insomnia
This isn’t meant to be self promotion, you really are one of the best writers in the site imo and your approval would mean the world to me. But if you’re not interested you’re free to say no.
Thank you for your time. :)

Well, thank you. Happy to hear you've enjoyed my work!

Perfectly Insane

I just wanted to let you know you're awesome and I really respect you as a writer.

  • Viewing 159 - 163 of 163
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