I'm Him. I been Him. I will continue to be Him.
Specialties include comedy, robots, and precision strikes to your feelings.
✧ Writing tomes in my wizard tower ✧ I illustrate all of my own cover art! ✧
Hardcore animation enthusiast chilling away in this dimension and unbothered by his non-corporeal form. Also likes pastel cartoon ponies. They do that to people. And ghosts.
"r5h, your story was also weird in that you had like some of the cleverest jokes in the contest and also some of the dumbest" -Aragon
Brony, terrible OC, attorney, pseudonymous, geek, Catholic, gamer, almost-not-quite-novelist, fic writer, highly amateur VA, smartass, etc.
This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in horsefic, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,
My darling, I compare you to a mare among Pharaoh’s chariots. Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments, your neck with strings of jewels.
A wanderer reflecting on the pilgrimage through lands unknown
Author, former Royal Canterlot Library curator, and the (retired) reviewer at One Man's Pony Ramblings.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, take my advice. Pull down your pants and slide on the ice." ~ Dr. Sidney Freedman, M*A*S*H S3 Ep5
PRONOUNCED: sem ee yawn || they/them || any character i ever write, ever, is 18+ unless explicitly stated otherwise
Technical Writer from the U.S.A.'s Deep South. Writes horsewords and reviews. New reviews posted every other Thursday! Writing Motto: "Go Big or Go Home!"
Long is the way, and hard, that out of Hell leads up to light.
“Trixie hates to interrupt a good monologue,” said Trixie, interrupting a good monologue, “but maybe we should continue it somewhere not on fire?”
The future depends on me, and my horde of Evil Overlords.
Father of twin 8yo boys, partner of Arcelia, and so glad to remain here.
I'm older than your average brony, but then I've always enjoyed cartoons. I'm an experienced reviewer, EqD pre-reader, and occasional author.
Black Lives Matter. Good things are good, actually. I write about wizards and wizards' apprentices. 90% of prophecy is just pattern recognition.
Twilight floated a second fritter up to her mouth when she realized the first was gone. “What is in these things?” “Mostly love. Love ‘n about three sticks of butter.”
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes
Stories about ponies are stories about people.
I post reviews with astounding irregularity, and a story once in a blue moon. Message me if you need some prereading or the like.
Formerly Fimfiction Drama, and now under new management. Found juicy drama? Know of an event not yet covered? Let us know!
Author and dramatic reader from YouTube. All your pony are belong to us.
"Violence for violence is the rule of beasts" - Barack Obama