• Member Since 9th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 8th, 2023


I post reviews with astounding irregularity, and a story once in a blue moon. Message me if you need some prereading or the like.


Reflections on a 2 year hiatus · 3:31pm Jun 30th, 2022

Hello folks! I woke up feeling nostalgic today, and decided to check FimFiction after quitting it cold turkey 2 years ago. It surprises me that the community still keeps going on strong, and it made me reflect on this long chapter of my life, which closed abruptly (and maybe rashly) 2 years ago. And honestly, I regret just dropping off the face of the earth, and never getting a real sense of closure for my time here.

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Bronycon: A Tragicomedy in 5 acts — The Land · 1:36am Aug 9th, 2019

Conventions of all kinds are interesting places to be, but there was something special in the air for this Bronycon. It could be due to the larger crowds than those in your typical Pony Con, or the reduced space which brought the attendees together, maybe even how much of other fandoms seem to seep into pony nowadays[1]. But mostly I am pinning that to the sense of finality given to the whole thing. As the days moved on, you knew that what you were seeing would probably never again happen in

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Bronycon: A Tragicomedy in 5 Acts — Introduction · 11:51pm Aug 7th, 2019

Lo! Behold the Bronycon 2019, most majestic of all Pony conventions, last of its kind and most crowded of its name. Witness as it fights for space with the Rubik’s Cube convention [1]. Be amazed at the crowds of people attending, and all the panels they didn’t get to attend. And don’t mourn for it being gone, but celebrate the fact it happened at all.

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Life updates, plus Bronycon! · 4:42pm Jul 29th, 2019

Man, it is shocking how long it has been since I posted anything in this account. My last post was in April 2016, and it is hard to believe that this much time has passed. It also makes a lot of sense, since May 2016 marked the beginning of 3 very interesting years in my life.

  • I moved from Brazil to Vancouver, Canada! I just love this town, and honestly, every since moving here I feel like I have been playing life in easy mode.

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Daring Do is totally George Lucas, guys! · 5:22am Aug 3rd, 2016

Chris posited on his blog an interesting bit of headcanon about Stranger Than Fanfiction: That the first three Daring Do books felt different because they were ghostwritten by someone that was brought on to smarten up the plot – who should be Twilight's Mom, in order to revive an old bit of fanon. That is a fun angle, but it doesn't go deep enough.

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Bronycon: Lessons learned · 6:42am Jul 15th, 2016

— Don't run on 5 to 4 hours sleep for the whole week prior.
— Don't dump a whole cup of coffee on your jeans during your flight.
— Don't pack an exact number of pants, in case the above happens.
— Don't choose a flight which will get delayed for 3 hours.
— Don't forget to check at which time your roommate with the room reservation will arrive.
— Don't miss breakfast by leaving your alarm on mute.

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BronyCon & BronyCan · 5:39am Jun 2nd, 2016

Hey guys, I am looking to share a room for BronyCon. Anyone knows someone with an open spot?

Also, I'm willing to host up to 2 people going to BronyCan. Google says I am 40min from the convention center by bus.

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Stupid bit of headcanon · 9:13pm May 29th, 2016

In the Sombra timeline during The Cutie Re-mark, Rainbow Dash doesn't have one wing. The reason is that she also decided to get a pet, but didn't accept Tank's participation on the race, a side effect of her not having been friends with the rest of the Mane 6. Then, when she got trapped by the falling rocks on Ghastly Gorge, nopet went to save her, and she had to cut her own wing to escape.

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I cracked the code! · 2:06pm Mar 27th, 2016

By the end of Season 6 Sunburst will travel back in time in order to become Starswirl the Bearded.

He is the first bearded magician we have seen, and his cape has a star motif. It is the only logical conclusion.

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New PCaRG review is up! · 3:26am Feb 19th, 2016

Finally I finished this thing! It is exceedingly long, but then again, I don't think I ever had such conflicting opinions about the same story. Check it out here.

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