
Viewing 1 - 20 of 862 results

That Time of Year Again (BRONYCON POST) · 9:20pm Aug 2nd, 2015

So remember last year when I told everyone here I'd be going to bronycon, spitting newbie officer stuff at you from the FOB Equestria Panel, and generally having a good time? Perhaps you also remember how I got PCS orders for that weekend, and had to redact all that.

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All Con-ed Out · 6:26am Jul 13th, 2016

So myself and my significant other Stitchwolf finally got home yesterday from our extended vacation to Anthrocon and Bronycon yesterday. It is so nice to have my own bed again!

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Bronycon 2018 Reflections Part 5: Monday and Final Thoughts · 3:58pm Dec 31st, 2018

Part 5: Monday and Final Thoughts

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I’m going to Bronycon! · 10:50pm Jul 1st, 2019

My intention was to attend from the beginning, given that this is one of the last major hurrahs for the fandom, and I really wanted to meet a bunch of my fellow authors in person. Well, now I’m going to! This seems like as good a time as any to announce such, given the frankly ludicrous popularity of my latest bout of silliness, which only now dropped out of the feature box. Seriously, Twilight Is Awarded For Porn is literally my second highest-liked fic, and will probably surpass

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BronyCon 2019 Reflections Part 4: Sunday and Monday · 9:11pm Dec 17th, 2019


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Report Vik · 219 views · #BronyCon #BronyCon 2019

BronyCon 2019 Reflections Part 1: Wednesday and Thursday · 3:06am Sep 21st, 2019

So, once again I have decided to write down my memories of BronyCon, this time it’s for BronyCon 2019, the last BronyCon.


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Report Vik · 206 views · #bronycon #bronycon 2019

So I Forgot to Mention... · 1:03am Jul 8th, 2016

...I'm at HORSFEST 2016!

So yeah. If you're there, expect to see me wandering around the con over the next three days, chilling at Quills & Sofas, and attending the writers' dinner. Come say hi!

As always, I'll be keeping track of expenses and posting a review blog post when this is all over, so you can experience the HORSE alongside me (kinda sorta)!

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Report The 24th Pegasus · 541 views · #bronycon

The final supper of the ficwhores · 6:21am Jul 12th, 2016

The hot humid musk of Baltimore suffocates you like God's enormous unwashed ballsack the moment you step out the door. A sea of brick beckons the journey of a thousand steps between the gleaming glass zoo of migratory humans and the organic hive of stone and streets known as Charm City. You put your best foot forward, feeling it stick slightly against the pervasive brownish ichor of regurgitated alcohol and caramelized human waste. Once more unto the breech, you think sympathetically of

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Report shalrath · 587 views · #bronycon

I'm Back! · 1:39am Aug 13th, 2015

Bronycon was a blast! I met with tons of people, many writers, and once again got to talk shop with folks that share common interests. It went a long way towards reviving my love of the fandom, and of writing stories, and I have already started some updates. Look forward to R4R and Interesting Times being updated in the near future, and hopefully the completion of Patchwork Pony. I also managed to guilt my Editor into getting back to work, although who knows how long that will last, lol.

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Report Drax99 · 462 views · #Bronycon

BronyCon Wrap Up Part 3: Shipping... What Can I Say? · 4:32am Aug 13th, 2015

Ugh, I have so much to get done this week, and I’ve been doing nothing but getting stuff done since my prep for BronyCon last week, and so by now I’m feeling sooo lazy about everything. But I’m going to try to get this Roamnce Panel blog done tonight. Here goes:

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Report bookplayer · 792 views · #BronyCon

Bronycon 2014 · 4:12am Aug 24th, 2014

So you may be wondering: Bad Horse, how did you f**k up Bronycon this year?

The answer is, I was studying the program while walking to the con, stepped down a set of stairs that I didn't know was there, and twisted my ankle so badly that I spent almost the entire con in Quills & Sofas.

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Report Bad Horse · 925 views · #bronycon

Bronycon! I don't know how to handle this. · 3:56am Aug 3rd, 2015

Well. In just a few days I'll be on a plane to Baltimore. I can't really believe this is happening. I've always wanted to attend this convention, but never really found a reason to do so. I guess I've finally found a few good reasons, heh.

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Report Flutterpriest · 558 views · #Bronycon

So... GOING TO BRONYCON THIS YEAR · 1:33am Aug 6th, 2015

I won't officially be at Bronycon until Saturday because I'm coming down on Friday, but when I get there...

It's on!

Actually, I'll probably just be hanging out at this Quills and Sofas location that people keep talking about and going to panels that interest me.

But hey! Bronycon!

Report Majin Syeekoh · 408 views · #bronycon

BronyCon Plans Part 1 · 8:42pm Jul 14th, 2015

I have a bunch of stuff I want to blog about, and very little time, so let's see if I can get this one out while Trixie is napping.

I'm going to be at BronyCon this year. I'll be on two panels: Advanced Writing (with Bad Horse and Wanderer D) and Love is In Bloom: Shipping and Writing Romance (with Scoots2, Sunchaser, and Aquaman.) I'll let people know when and where these are happening as soon as I know.

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Report bookplayer · 573 views · #BronyCon

Guess Who's Going to Bronycon? · 7:00pm Jul 20th, 2015

Report ObabScribbler · 546 views · #bronycon

BronyCon Plans · 3:15pm May 10th, 2017

How's it going folks? I hope you're doing well this fine day, I just wanted to share some stuff with ya.

So BronyCon is coming up in a few months, right after my birthday in July actually so its kinda like a birthday present I'm giving myself. Granted its a month after my birthday, I'm still excited to try and go up to Baltimore with some friends.

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Report Dustchu · 449 views · #BronyCon

Bronycon Panel! · 5:31pm May 10th, 2017

So that's one more thing I can cross off of my New Year's Resolutions: I got accepted to host a panel at Bronycon!

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Report The 24th Pegasus · 508 views · #bronycon

Horseshoes, Crabs · 5:11pm Jul 26th, 2018

Despite Amtrak's best efforts, I am now safely ensconced in my hotel room. Now comes the tricky part of finding people. And interacting with people. Through speech.


Update: I have already briefly joined the coterie of Her Infernal Majesty, Queen Daybreaker. Or at least a cosplayer with a very impressive full-body suit, especially given that she apparently put it together in a week.


Bronycon · 1:09pm Aug 3rd, 2015

To all of my followers( and my haters) I will be at Bronycon the 7th-9th. I'll be wandering around, and you can find me by my badge. (It will have my real name on it, Nathan Kraft. I'll also be wearing a Rarity hat.) So stop and say hello, or tell me how much I suck!

Report BubblePuff · 255 views · #Bronycon

Still on vacation · 1:23am Aug 16th, 2017

Hey, Y'all! I am still on vacation and as a soon as I can get my thoughts together I'll send out a blog on Bronycon

Report Fistfire · 305 views · #Bronycon
Viewing 1 - 20 of 862 results