• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

The 24th Pegasus

Author of the Commander Hurricane series (A Song of Storms), co-founder of the Price of Loyalty universe, and overall world building fanatic. Join my discord!


Probably Rarity When She Sees the Bottom of My Page

Hey, Look! Story News!

I'll try to update this thing daily so you can see where I'm at with your favorite stories.

Stories in Progress:

A Rainbow of a Different Color: Chapter 25: Posted
Story posted on Equestria Daily

Census: Chapter 6 Posted

Unshaken: Actively Updating
This CYOA story will continue until the main character's fate is resolved.

The Sparrow in the Storm
Updating on Fridays as chapters get written.


Of Skies Long Forgotten: Complete
Story posted on Equestria Daily

Snow and Shadows: Complete
Story Posted on Equestria Daily

Sunny with a Chance of Shipping
Part of the Lovefest Fic Event for EqD, 2/14/15
Dafuq was I even on when I wrote this

The Mare of the Equestrian Eighth: Complete
Winner of 'The Rarity' award in EFNW's Scribblefest 2016

Daring Doodle Donkey: Complete
Story posted on Equestria Daily

Why?: Complete
Story posted on Equestria Daily

Sierra: Complete
Submitted for EFNW's Scribblefest 2017

Dashes to Dashes, Dust to Dust: Complete
Honorable Mention in Jake the Army Guy's Horsewords Extravaganza

Numbers: Complete
Story posted on Equestria Daily

The Music of the Reef: Complete
Second place winner in Jake The Army Guy's Horsewords Extravaganza 2!


2024 Sucks · 2:37am January 9th

Rest in Peace Kirby
02 April 2006 - 07 January 2024

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