Lightning Dust Is Best Pony 551 members · 503 stories

This group is for fans of Rainbow Dash's foil from the Wonderbolt Academy episode, Lightning Dust! All stories featuring her go here.

Comments ( 47 )
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Cool, ill have to give it a read soon :twilightsmile:

It’ll be used later in Crashing to Rock Bottom

Sure, which story are you going to use that for if you don't mind my asking?

I don't always make sense so having someone that actually agrees is a rarity. :twilightsheepish:

Do you mind if I use your argument's rationale for a story I'm working on? It's perfect! :twilightsmile:

Lightning Dust is my 2nd best pegasus after Rainbow Dash

I don't think the Wonderbolts deserve her. That accident, while she did suggest the tornado, Dash helped her make it. And it was made BEFORE the rest of the Main 6 popped up, out of no where, in the middle of a course in a hot air balloon. A course where many high speed stunt are preformed, and they don't even get chewed out for that but Dash gets a promotion and leaves her Lead to hang for all that? The whole thing screams "status". Lighting Dust didn't have any status but the Main Six are the Bearers of Harmony. So guess who gets the boot? Dash continues to go and screw up several times and Spitfire even admits that the reason they keep her is cause she "saved Equestria" IE Dash is getting special treatment just because of her "status". If she didn't have that, she would have been kicked out LONG ago, if she would have even made it in at all.

Lightning Dust truly wanted to be Dash's friend, and was even regretting what happened at the end. She wasn't like a lot of others who swore revenge and are now "reformed" and in higher standings then she is. Honestly, I hate Rainbow Dash. She totally betrayed Lightning Dust, and left her behind. Personally I think she did it on purpose cause Lightning Dust is a better Pegasus and flier then Rainbow Dash and she wanted to get rid of the one pony that is better then her. Dash is NOT Loyalty and doesn't deserve it. Just check out the part where Dash talks to Spitfire about Dust. Note what she says that Dust does, and then go back and watch those parts, like with her injuring her wing? Dust asked Dash if she was okay, and Dash said she was. Dust trusted Dash's judgement. A Wing Pony doesn't just follow, there a team. Dash didn't act like a team, cause she can't stand being "second best". She's too egotistic, she's always praising herself and gloating about how she's "The fastest flyer in all Equestria.".

Can you share a list of those stories you mentioned? :twilightsmile:

Well, just resubmitted a story that I did I full do-over with and then realized that it is placed back where I originally submitted it, back in 2017. That means it doesn't show up on the home page because it's so far back. :fluttershyouch:

I know my avatar is not the best here, but still. LD & RD should be best fliers of Equestria together, whether in the Wonderbolts or in a team of their own. :)

Comment posted by Golden Fang Ryu Shenron deleted Jul 17th, 2022

I agree, she has been gone for ever and I feel that she was judged too harshly for what happened when most of it wasn't her fault. Sure she needed an attitude adjustment but so did Dash, several times both before and after becoming a Bolt.

Oh, if you only knew the plans I have for her in my sequel.

I feel like most "rivals" or antagonists in MLP are quick to develop a totally dedicated following and I'm so confused as to why Lightning Dust is such a forgotten character. She seems to have a terribly small cult following. 5 years later I am still so in love with this pony (though I admit I am probably more in love with my idea of her) and am still fishing around for all the Dusty content I can get.

I do prefer Rainbow Dash but yeah Lightning Dust is pretty cool.

you should be a wonder blot and kick spitfire out

Hey, Lightning Dust here. Yeah I shouldn't have been kicked out. Err Spitfire made ME the lead pony and Rainbow Dash should have been taken down a peg or two. That is why I wanted to be a better flyer than her. Which I AM. Don't you ponies agree? Anyway, Rainbow blamed the whole tornado thing on me. It was SO UNFAIR! She was partly to blame as she agreed to do the tornado during the cloud busting challenge. And how was I meant to know that her friends were coming, huh? Not my fault that Ii was a better flyer than everyone, is it?

Plz like or something if you are fans of me (Lightning Dust) or any of the other Elements of Disharmony,

Yeh. Im gonna write a fanfic. But I'm only going to tell you that I am definately included. One will be what happened after the Academy, and the other, my headcanon ackstory!!! I'll post when I am finished. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowwild::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2::coolphoto::heart:

I have a question: Lightning Dust is one of the main characters in a story I'm writing, but she is not the protagonist (though she is on the good team). Could I still post the story here?

I just want it on record that I also support the "Sadist Dust" headcanon, after reading Cold Lightning.

Both are misunderstood and both are awesome ponies! :trixieshiftleft:

She is an interesting character to me because she pushed her self so hard that it ended up being the reason why she failed. Having balance is important and here was a mare that just focused on winning at any cost. In the end it ended up costing her the one thing she wanted most.

Tough life lesson. Still, she knows how to push her self and I bet she could overcome being kicked out of the academy and still make a WonderBolt one day.


She totally deserved to get kicked out, though. But does she deserve a second chance (and an attitude adjustment)? Most certainly.

She put ponies in danger of dying in a horrible tornado. I don't think that deserves a seconds chance, even if she is my 2nd favorite *pony*. A real military institute would ban her and most likely call the police of she put anyone in danger.

When her badge got ripped off it gave me that hidden lesson of "no second chances, biatch", and that's what I liked about that part.

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