• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Hi! I'm just some random dude who enjoys watching ponies and then obsessing over them with my friends on the internet!


Official Fan Art! · 2:17am Jun 27th, 2014

Hey, everybody! I was just informed that we have some fanart, and holy crap, it's awesome!

Why don't you all go to deviantart and drop this guy some appreciation?

Report Sonik · 715 views · Story: The Greatest Show of Kindness ·

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About Me

Hello. Just call me Sonik. I am a 15 year old boy who is attending High School in a local Oregon area. With the failure of writing the story "Failure Brought to Success," I have started up a new story: "My Little Pony: The Legend of the Great Crystals," so if you are here, viewing my user page, make sure to check that out!
Recently, I have gotten into the A New Home saga by user APoeticHeart, which spawned my alternate ending fanfiction for the second story (technically third) story in the series, A Queen's Revenge. Make sure you go read all of those stories!

Facts about me:
I am fifteen years old.
I am a sophomore in High School
I can play the drums and bass guitar, and also am in choir class. Music is pretty much the majority of my life. It is practically my blood.
My favorite music artists are Crush 40/Sons of Angels, Linkin Park, Metallica, and recently, J-Rock (Particularly Anime Music, especially S-Metal Blade and Konjiki no Gasshu Beru, or Zatch Bell in English. Team Nekokan all the way!

Comments ( 83 )
  • Viewing 79 - 83 of 83

Appreciate the watch. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for adding 'A Sprout to a Better Path' to your read later bookshelf, hope you enjoy it :twilightsmile:

Thankie for adding One Sprout, Many Buds to your library. I hope you enjoy it. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 79 - 83 of 83
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Official Fan Art! · 2:17am Jun 27th, 2014

Hey, everybody! I was just informed that we have some fanart, and holy crap, it's awesome!

Why don't you all go to deviantart and drop this guy some appreciation?

Report Sonik · 715 views · Story: The Greatest Show of Kindness ·