• Member Since 31st Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen July 18th


I love to read wach anime and mlp but i also listen to music.


hi hi all · 2:41pm Aug 14th, 2019

hi it been awhile ive been watching youtube and useing discord lately.

so if i worried you im very srry my name on hear is the same as my youtube name.

i also play pony town and made a few videos over on youtube.

love the stories and will enjoy more of um.

Report tsunsu · 245 views ·
Comments ( 443 )
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Thank you for the follow!

Thanks for the follow, welcome to the Legion!

Thank you for the watch and the favorites!

well it true it was a grate fic and i may joine it sence my yt alredy falows you im tsunsu there and hear.

Thank you so much for the follow! I hope you enjoy Dead Tree and Bone Daddy or Luna's Marehood :)

Please do drop upvotes on the ones you like and downvotes on the ones you hate! I like honesty in the comments, it helps me be a better writer.
Chapter 23 is out Monday!

We're also hiring a second editor to help get stuff out faster.

Upcoming stuff: [Secret new Pony Parody], Luna's Secret Cake Formula, CMC Crisis of Uniformity

Come bug me on discord :)


I liked the comment, made me smile.

  • Viewing 439 - 443 of 443
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