Bittersweet Bronycon · 1:10am Aug 7th, 2019
I went to Bronycon this year. It was the first time I'd gone since 2016, and I went because it was the last hurrah. I went as a regular attendee this year; no panels, no working on staff, no crazy schedules or set in stone plans. I just went without really announcing it, and I figured I'd just roll with the punches. I saw new faces, old faces, had experiences familiar and foreign. Some people had a lot of time to hang out and talk, others were so busy I was lucky if I got five minutes with
1. No money. There's always a down payment in such things, and I've never heard of anyone so much as breaking even in the end. You always lose money, sometimes a lot. I don't have any money to spare.
2. I've heard horror stories about trying to get books printed. It's a much more complex process than you think with all manner of headaches involved.
3. I wouldn't have the first idea how to go about a process, let alone actively manage it.
With Five Score, Divided by Four now in dead tree format, have you considered having The Last Crusade printed?
Thanks for the fave!
Why did you cancel your SoTC crossover?
2426636 How did the name of "CyborgSamurai" come to be? Did you come up with that, yourself?
Also, has there ever been a story (that you've written) of which you are most proud of?