• Member Since 30th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 10th, 2020


I sometimes write but mostly edit. I'm also a PR for The Royal Guard.

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Comments ( 82 )
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No problem ur a great story writer worth the following

1277292 Thanks again!

To be honest, it really was supposed to be a one-shot, with little story or development. But I think I could flesh this out into something very special with enough planning. No matter what, the next time I upload it, it will get into The Royal Guard.

I would say that I was just doing my job, but I try to be more thorough than I am required to be.

As for the response time, we prereaders have a lot on our plates, and there are few of us.

I am also glad that you care enough to edit your story; we get a good number of responses that are not nearly so positive from other authors. Your attitude is a refreshing one to say the least. If you keep up that attitude, I'm sure your stories will improve to a level we can approve.

Best of luck and skill!

Thanks for proofreading Bloodletting. I never expected it to take so long, but I'm glad someone took the time to read through it.

I am a little startled at just how much you were able to fault in the story. My proofreader and I must have overlooked much of this. When I get the chance, I'll be certain to edit and resubmit my work.

Thanks again!
Jot Notes

Comment posted by TwistyBird deleted Jul 11th, 2014
  • Viewing 78 - 82 of 82
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Remember that little haiku thing? · 2:10am Dec 26th, 2014

Well, tomorrow, you guys can expect something a little more substantial… about 14K more substantial.

It's a birthday present for my friend, so keep it hush hush, okay?

Report q97randomguy · 511 views ·