• Member Since 20th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen May 3rd, 2019


Latest Stories


>that feel when... · 5:03am Feb 17th, 2013

...someone makes a totally sweet drawing of one of your stories. Best feel ever.

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Report Cyanide · 1,883 views ·


In Progress
- Those Who Dwell Under The Hills chapter 5, "Lion, Leopard and Wolf"
- 'Ghosts and Other Post-Mortem Illnesses' prompt fic: The Wait
- Hexonxonx chapter 3, "Puritania"

Planned Future Works
- Moonstone Cup sequel, tentatively titled Air And Fire

Comments ( 41 )
  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41

Just reread the moonstone cup, it was one of the very first ones I read on this site,just wondering how are you?

Would be cool to get and update of how you're doing in a blog or comment.

339582 Hey, if you need a proofreader for A&F I would love to do it.

Just reread Moonstone Cup, loved it again! Hoping you will be back with some more awesome fics! :)

  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41
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