• Member Since 30th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 3rd, 2017


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Ahhhhh fanart~ · 10:52pm Aug 15th, 2013

Not a few days have passed before someone gifted me with more Composure fanart!

Needless to say I was stoked to see it. I liked writing this part, so I'm glad this moment struck a chord. Also, the globe is awesome, it really captures what I was going for.

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Report Varanus · 1,603 views ·
Comments ( 80 )
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Every now and then I remember this fic exists, I go to read it, remember its incomplete.
I don't even care about pony anymore. I just loved your writting.
Its a shame i'll never know how it ends

How much do I need to pay you to finish Composure?

Not a joke, name your price.

Truly. More than I will ever be.

You are a competent, talented coward. And you don't deserve the skill you had.

I thought not to tell you this, in order to preserve your you.

But truly. Time has passed and the more I consider, the more you do not deserve it.

Finish what you started.

God Bless. God loves you. Now and forever.

He likely just quit.

  • Viewing 76 - 80 of 80
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