• Member Since 13th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Co-Admin of Clopfics. Finally decided to start writing after being here for 12 years.


Next chapter will be slightly delayed · 4:22pm Aug 27th, 2023

Hi folks!

Sorry about this, but there will be a delay for the next chapter of Trip Sitter. I usually do almost all of my writing for this story on Friday, then wrap it up on Saturday to post either late Saturday or early Sunday. However, this week I went hiking Friday, camped overnight, and came back Saturday afternoon completely exhausted. I'm going to rest today, and hopefully start writing within the next couple of days depending on my school schedule.

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Report oblivion2k · 79 views · Story: Pinkie Pie the Trip Sitter ·

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  • Viewing 63 - 67 of 67

Well, glad you are now! :D

Of course! Surprised I wasn't following already.

Thanks for the watch, mate!

Honestly when I looked at your profile and realized I wasn't already following you I was shocked and confused. Quickly fixed that error!

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

  • Viewing 63 - 67 of 67
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