• Member Since 9th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen May 8th, 2018

Static Shock


Four years. · 10:19pm Jan 9th, 2016

So today, after almost four years of absence, I pushed out an update to When Harmony Reigns. If any of you are still around from back then, you will probably have noticed that the story is largely the same. To those people I'd only like to say to read the prologue, and the middle of chapter 4. It shouldn't be difficult to find the new parts.

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Report Static Shock · 371 views · Story: When Harmony Reigns ·

Stories I've written

Comments ( 18 )
  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18

i like ur storys but i alsp think they need more editers to be beter.


A change in tune helps too, apparently. I keep trying to write while listening to my usual stuff, which is... far from ideal.

Switched from this to this. That got me going, somehow.

149395 Perhaps you need a change of environment? Or may be something as simple as a change of activity. Like, instead of watching t.v, grab your bicycle/skateboard/car, or whatever way of transport you want, and go somewhere that you haven't been to.

Just try anything! Even watching a movie could help. You can get that stroke of inspiration/genius from the strangest of places, trust me.

It's happened to me a lot in the most awkward of times.


That's just it, though. In my... twenty-six weeks of writing, I've never felt inspired to write a story I had already started on previously.

149386 Oh, i'm not saying they have to be one shots!

I mean like, lets say you don't feel like your idea atm for a chapter or story isn't great. Just wait and go around to look for some inspiration, instead of forcing it out of yourself.

  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18
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