Poem- 'Twas the Night Before Ficmas · 8:45am Dec 2nd, 2013
'Twas the night before Ficmas, and all of the bronies
Were chilling at home, chatting with their homies
Cookies by the fireplace were placed with care
In hopes that St. Pinkolas would find them there
The fillies were nestled all snug in their beds;
While visions of Discord danced throughout their heads;
And Ma with her stories, and Pa with his booze
Had passed out by midnight for a winter's snooze,
When out on the lawn I could hear a commotion
2068789 Anytime. Hope I didn't sound too harsh, it's a much better effort than before. Here's hoping it pays off!
Hey. Just wanted to let you know that I took you're advice and the description to my story has been completely revamped. If you wish to take a second look, I don't mind. Thank you for your constructive feedback!
Are you alos?
1402809 well, my attempts at starting one-shotober early have failed so far, but I'm looking to the SoCal Ponytones practice ill be leading this afternoon! So not bad!
1402272 I'm doing great, thanks! How about yourself?