• Member Since 30th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 4th, 2023


I'm so relieved.

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Somebody hire me · 4:27am Dec 18th, 2015

[22:18:05] Magello: Rainbow Dash is contracted by Wonderbolt member Soarin to participate in an airshow in Phillydelphia to commemorate the new mayoral elections
[22:19:34] Magello: But little did she know that the political machinations of the hawkish members of the Equestrian government were using her as a patsy for their pursuit of increased funding to the Royal Guard and the dissolution of the Wonderbolts

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Winner winner chicken dinner

It was quite a surprise for me today to log in and find that I had a big group of new Followers out of nowhere. I say this a lot, but I mean it every time: I really, really appreciate you investing your time in me. I'll do my best to make sure that I deserve your Watch going forward. I appreciate it a bunch!:twilightsheepish:


That was the past-tense of read :)

1952396 How can I, when you broke my heart with the Changelings?

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