Hello, you reached Appletank's residence. He may or may not be home right now. I don't comment much, because really, saying the same compliments over and over again seem a bit pointless.
I specialize in weirdness, because everyone else already has a nice normal story. I am a bit of an incompetent author, so go through my story lists at your own risk. Try avoiding the first one, the Repairs one. It was bad.
NOTE: I'm the cheap guy in the alley you ask for art when there's no better option. If you can't find a better artist, or his price is too high, I can poop out a quick sketch for you. It makes me feel important. I got a DeviantArt (Apple-Tank), see if you like my style. Usually, I go for semi-realistic.
I am a semi-competent proofreader, though I probably won't be able to help you make it sound nice, it at least will have good spelling and readable grammar, whether in GDocs or in the comments. Results may vary.
My pride and joy is The Great Multiverse Theory, where I attempt to make a world where anything and everything works within is paradigm. I'm looking at you, Traveler. If you ask me about it, I will spawn an essay by accident. It has happened three times already. I really should make a document so I can just copy and paste.
Also arts. Everything I do (so far) is a bit out there, so I am forced to make my own shit. I like the results anyways, so it works out.
My (last checked) WPM is around 65-70. Pretty good, but its not very sustainable. My brain is full of goop that needs to fall though a funnel first.
I've reviewed your story here!
Oh hey you live in LA! We should hang out some time!
Honestly not my favorite, but if you had fun, I'm not gonna stop you.
Good,if you want, this is the translation of your the earliest story! https://fimtale.com/t/3166 Hope you enjoy it!
uh, sure? I'm surprised you found something worthwhile.
I have translated one of your stories! Do you want to see?
I noticed a formatting issue on your chapter.
Hm. My idea of multiverses is that everything is within its own dimension of existence. The dimension keeps everything stable and contains all the rules of existence that these universes and their temporal tangents work off. Sometimes you have dimensions that impact against each other, and rarely you'll get cross-dimensions that contain non-conflicting rules from both.
The way I dealt with "universe exists only by itself" scenarios is just multiverses all the way down.
Hm. Looks like we came up with similar ideas for the existence of different universes. I made my own, very long theories concerning space and time, myself.
Ah, that. It's a half baked idea I've been kicking around for almost a decade, with at least 4 versions/rewrites. Full title is "The Great Multiverse Theory", in which I attempted to come up with an idea that can fit theoretically anything. The version below is slightly outdated
The basic idea that stayed the same is that any story with a sufficient following and a stable logical universe exists somewhere. The more stable, the more self sustaining. A crack fic would be a tiny, cracked thing with the seams showing. A stable one would grow its own history and future.
Then added on top was the amused thought that unlike every other multiverse setting I've come across, the "defenders" weren't much better than the demons they were trying to protect against.
The why was frisked from a Kingdom Hearts idea, which I decided the entire mess started from a war being lost, and the last desperate fighter burned his own existence to fuel a spell that turned his enemies into the final line of defense.
One person wasn't exactly capable of an effect of that magnitude, and resulted in a frayed, sparse, tango line of universes with guardians one difficult fight away of devolving into the very monsters they fought. This was fueled by plucking a "hero" from a universe and convincing them (through any means necessary) to sacrifice themselves to keep the multiverse running just a bit longer.
I have yet found a plot I'm happy with writing about. Most of the problems come from them being basically god mode all the time.
Yes. I'm not very good at new interactions, although I just now noticed your TGMT down there. What's that all aboot?
Foal Necromancer, but that was mainly just me going 'boop' like here.