TrotCon, Moonlight, and how to write professional speedfics · 2:35am Jun 28th, 2014
First off, I wanted to thank everyone who read and commented on Moonlight. It's definitely my favorite story I've written yet, and it was great to see it get such a positive reception. As far as a sequel goes, I have no plans at the moment, but I might revisit it later for a short story or oneshot. The dream setting opens up a lot of possibilities, and that made it a really fun story to write.
You mean how Lyra made it to Equestria in the first place, right?
And I agree on both fronts, I'd definitely like to see some sort of continuation, and while I loved the story, it did feel a tad rushed towards the end. More chapters in-between certain scenes could have definitely been added.
The only sad thing was that he never explained about how Lyra [SPOILERS FOR ANTHROPOLOGY] Michaelekos actually made it to the human world in the first place. Was it Discord? We'll never know.
Also I can't lie that I would have liked to see some one shots of Lyra's life after Anthropology. Maybe one day someone can write an unofficial sequel to Anthropology.
Though it seems Jason kind of got in over his head about how to end Anthropology and was eager to end it quickly. I liked the fic, but I think he struggled with what to do with Lyra in the human world over time. A rewrite that streamlines the story would be nice to see.
Same here. I hope he just moved on from the fandom and nothing terrible happened to him.
Aw man, sad to see you haven't been online since 2015.
This man was one of the greats. I really hope he's doing alright. Anthropology actually introduced me to three great bands: Deep Purple, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and Yes. (The last one's a long story, as it's not even mentioned in the fic. But's it still his doing, in a way.)