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Gabby and Gallus go on a quest to find something to eat. Unfortunately for them, citizens of Ponyville seem to have completely different ideas about food.
After dating for quite some time, Anon and Applejack are ready to make their new relationship public. However, before they can do so, Anon will have to endure the Apple Screening.
Have you ever had the pleasure of working thankless shifts in customer service, dealing with bit biters, clumsy coworkers, and the dreaded "can I get a uhhhhhhhhhhhhh" for ten hours a day, five days a week? Cappuccino has.
Remember when AJ went to Manehatten as a filly? Well what if she stayed there as an adult for a whole year? What if she adapted to city life, and became a true Manehattenet? What would happen then?
After Twilight delivers a batch of books to Sweet Apple Acres as a gesture of goodwill, she finds that Big Macintosh is not interested in her offerings. Through her efforts to discover why, she inadvertently discovers his most shameful secret.
Twilight Sparkle is an expert in unicorn magic, but earth pony magic remains a mystery to her. She's determined to uncover the earth tribe's secrets. What she learns will change her life . . . And it just might change Applejack's life as well.