• Member Since 14th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Botched Lobotomy

Imprisoned (without charges) by the Paw Patrol


A sculpture of Ponyville as it was. Do you remember it? That place as soft as feather-fall. The trees, the earth, the knowing. Remember the ponies? Cloud Chaser, Mrs Cake, Berry Punch, Cherilee, Carrot Top, Sassaflash, Lemon Hearts, Grand Pear, Minuette, Flower Wishes, Mayor Mare, Dr Fauna, Junebug, Big Macintosh, Sea Swirl, Amethyst Star, Dave the changeling, Muffins, Drizzle, Meadow Song, Granny Smith, and all the rest...and you.

Yes, you.

You were there, also.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

This gave me crippling nostalgia-sadness, take your thumb up

I absolutely adore the poetic quality of this fic. It reminds me of the work of E.E. Cummings, which only serves to reinforce the wistful, contemplative tone.

Beautiful portrayal of the sensation of digging through memories, snippets of scenes connected through sense impressions or associated emotions into a cozy crazy quilt of what was. Thank you for it.

I would say the form here is fugue-like. There is a theme which is repeated in a series of episodes, and even a statement which occurs in retrograde. Where it lacks the logical throughline of sonata form--theme, counter-theme, resolution--it makes up for in meditative power and moments of technical ecstasy.

The narrative climax is the reader relationship. It does not come off to me as nostalgia for its own sake--there is a "plot" where the reader is brought by increments to value their own experience of world-creation. The drama is in how we proceed from external reference to self-reference, and what happens to us then.

The technique is exhaustion of detail. There are too many unfinished phrases to make sense of everything... We become "overtold, upright ears."

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