• Member Since 15th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 17th, 2020

Warren Hutch

Living with LUS.

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Comments ( 106 )
  • Viewing 102 - 106 of 106

You were an amazing writer. May you rest in peace

I mean, given his last log in was the day before his death, it's not hard to guess.

I just read some of your stories and they are amazing. You have an amazing gift. Rest In Peace friend

Years after reading your stories I went through my favorites to find them again and see if I missed anything, i know you won't read this but I obviously still remember your writing and I'm sorry to hear that you're gone.

For not the first and likely not the last time I'm going to go through your catalog again.

Rest in peace, old friend.

  • Viewing 102 - 106 of 106
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