• Member Since 10th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 8th, 2013



Devourer of Words · 4:25pm Apr 10th, 2012

I look at the new words-read counter on my user page with a mix of pride, embarrassment, and awe. Ten million words is....quite a lot. I went for a very long time without reading extensively until I broke down and started reading ponyfiction. Reading was for ages my favourite form of entertainment, but I let it slip. Television took over. Thanks to my mobile (and 4G - yay) I can pull up fimfiction at will. Jumping between worlds....Experiencing the visions of all the authors....These are

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Report Altair · 416 views ·
Comments ( 8 )
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I realize that you've been here for a while, so please allow me to offer you a late welcome! Better late than never!

Welcome welcome welcome! A fine welcome to you!
Welcome welcome welcome! I say, how do you do?
Welcome welcome welcome to a choice you won't regret!
Welcome welcome welcome to FIMFiction.net!

Thanks for following me, Altair! :yay:
I really appreciate it and I hope my stories continue to entertain you in some way. :twilightsmile:

Congratulations on ten million words read! Here's to another ten million!

Thanks for the favorite on Jeweled Sun. I really appreciate iti.imgur.com/a9ddz.png

Thanks for the watch amigo :eeyup:

Hey, thanks so much for taking the time to Fave my story Certain Advantages. It makes me happy that you did!:twilightsmile:

Thank you so much for the Fave of To Change a Heart! It means a bunch to me that you would!:twilightsmile:

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