• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


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Rule 34 update coming soon... · 12:52pm Jun 10th, 2016

I'm going to compile the rule 34 data for the last 3 months. April-June, 2016. It willl take some time, but look for it later this month. Thank you.

Report Bronystories · 2,461 views ·
Comments ( 662 )
  • Viewing 658 - 662 of 662

One of my fave authors way back. You and RainbowBob made some of the most iconic stories on this site. Hope you both are doing alright.

still some of my favs to this day!

Thanks for adding my story to your favorites.

Thanks for the favorite on my first story! I really appreciate it. It looks like you're a much more accomplished author than I am, so if you have any advice or suggestions I'd be glad to listen!

Oh shit you're still alive!

  • Viewing 658 - 662 of 662
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Story Editor: Bluebreeze

Bluebreeze is my main story editor. I can always count on him for a speedy return on any stories I send. He corrects my errors and ensures that my fanfics are better than I could ever make them on my own.

Official Riffer: twow443

twow443 is my official riffer. He has the arduous task of trying to find humor within my sick and twisted stories. His riffs are like spoonfuls of sugar to combat the bitter medicine I prescribe.