• Member Since 16th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 55 minutes ago


Young, Clueless, a dragon with hunger for a hoard of knowledge but my hoard is to be spread with friends, families and more.


Any volunteers to read Dragon Tales? · 9:11pm July 8th

So I have been late to delivering Dragon Tale Stories for almost a year now and the main reason why is because it is more important for me to deliver the actual main story of The Dragon Lord series than the clop. But Ive notice that in recent months, more and more people are reading my dragon tales stories and want MORE. Like a lot more. I have three... no, four stories from there half finished with two more starting.

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Report Little_Draco · 113 views · Story: Dragon Tails · #Clop #R-18 only

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Comments ( 233 )
  • Viewing 229 - 233 of 233

Oh ok thanks i really enjoyed this trilogy

Working on the next two chapters now. Have one publishing this week, hopefully the next one next week and another by months end. Sorry for delays~!

Hi I was just wondering are you planning on finishing dragon guardian

  • Viewing 229 - 233 of 233
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