Twilight's Marem/Harem 2,235 members · 3,595 stories

A harem for our favorite little Unicorn? Why not.

Pretty much twilight paired with every female character in the show or another show.
she can be paired one at a time or be paired with all of them at once.

This Group is dedicated to Twilight being paired with only FEMALES!!!

Sorry for being mean, but i started to notice that people, or ponys as some prefer, are steadily adding Twilight being paired with males, so please tell me if you find any hetero pairings, so I can remove them.

Comments ( 61 )
  • Viewing 42 - 61 of 61

Please create folder Twilight x Equesteria Girls and fill it the following subfolders: Twilight x Sunset Shimmer, Twilight x Sci-Twi, Twilight x Humane 5, and any other Twilight x Human/Humanized that fancies you.

Twilight x Alternate Twilights is another option, for cloning/time travel/multiverse shenanigan

There should be twilight x genderbemd stories why is there none?

in the image lacked sunset shimmer, the marks funny crosses, diamond tiara and moon night dancer

425939 You're welcome. :twilightsmile:

Thank you very much :twilightsmile:

419594 I had made a sub-folder last night

So what folder do we put Twilight X Starlight story's into?

You should mark this group as NSFW the picture in this group is pretty inappropriate. :unsuresweetie:

Got it. In that case, good job with this group!

I haven't seen any M/F Twilight's Harem fic groups, lately. Do you know of any good ones?

Same here, I have no issue for M/F as well, in fact when it comes to Naruto I always read stories him having a harem, or Finn and Marceline or Dipper and Pacifica. I'm sorry i made you feel unwelcome, I'm just trying make it clear on what THIS group about, you know?

Then what would be the point of this group? There are plenty of groups with stories that has harems that has males and females in them. Harems for female characters with only females are rare for this community which I'm sure you know.

Once I regain access to my main account, provided nopony has made one by then, I plan on making a group like that. That could take many months, however, as it hinges on getting my computer repaired/replaced.

I don't take issue with the fact of this group being FF only, it was more like it felt like I was being told I am unwelcome if I like non-F/F harems.

Alright, makes sense. What if we added a new folder for fics where Twilight has males and females in her harem?

Sorry but I don't know a groups like that, nothing against male/male or male/female it's just this group is dedicated to female/female. And the reason I was being a little harsh is that some people kept adding male/female pairings in the group, so I had to change the description from before to what it is now, I'm a real stickler about the rules.

I agree. I would make it, but this is my alt account, and I don't have access to my main account right now. :c

There should be a group for Twilight having a harem that contains mares and stallions.

*blushes and rubs back of neck* Th-thank you.

This Group is dedicated to Twilight being paired with only FEMALES!!!

Sorry for being mean, but i started to notice that people, or ponys as some prefer, are steadily adding Twilight being paired with males, so please tell me if you find any hetero pairings, so I can remove them.

OK. I get that males with Twilight isn't your thing here. It's cool, everyone has their own likes and dislikes. I have two questions for you now:
1) Do you know of a group where where Twilight in a polyamory including a male/males is allowed?
2) If so, could you link to it at the bottom of your... ... ...disclaimer, so the people who do like that kind of thing don't feel as much like you are screaming in their face that they are unwelcome, and we can quietly go where we are welcome?

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