Polyamory 1,769 members · 1,274 stories

Because Pony x Pony x Ponies is best ship.

A group for everyone that likes to see more than two ponies getting together. Accepts both clean and clop stories, simply place them in the relevant folders.

Please consult this thread to learn what you should keep in mind when adding a story.

This group is not meant to overshadow other groups dedicated to specific polyamorous relationships, and as such will not have folders dividing every possible shipping combination of three ponies or more. I believe that the whole point of polyamorous shipping is the open, convention-breaking feel, so adding regimented groups seems odd. These shippings are allowed, but they will not be segregated.

If you happen to be interested in specific poly ships, I will redirect you to The Specific Shipping Center

We encourage any and all members to search for stories with polyamory or even polyamorous elements. There isn't much out there, and of course we would all like it if the idea was spread out even more.

Hopefully, more groups will be founded (maybe even by you, yes YOU) in order to spread the message of free love and swinging across FimFic and Bronydom.

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Comments ( 42 )
  • Viewing 23 - 42 of 42

Please add an polygamy and/or omniship folder

Good question! I think as long as you are honest with the people you are involved in relationships with you can’t really go wrong. Experiment and see what floats your boat. Be safe, be courteous, and don’t feel obligated to conform to any standard just because it’s tradition.

Hi my first post on this group and I'm in need of advice, for all my life I always seen the guy get the girl and they both live happily ever after yada yada yada the usual story you hear every single time, and now I'm 19 I've never gone out with a girl, and I've always had the thought of a monogamous relationship:heart: and loving just one girl :twilightsmile:.
But ever since I read FIMFICTION stories depicting the protagonist being in a poly relationship I've been slowly rethinking about it, and it's not just stories on this site but I also read a few Literotica fics with the same situation:rainbowhuh:, I mean I still want to give monogamy a try but I'm also curious about getting involved in a polygamorous relationship (just with girls to be clear) and I don't know if I should try polyamory first or monogamy and whether I have to choose one type of relationship or the other :derpyderp2:.
I'm just confused whether I have to stick with one or the other, especially if I choose to be with more than one girl in a relationship how do I tend to them without picking favorites, and how do I make sure they all love and accept each other without infighting, and what law specifics are there to this type of relationship? :unsuresweetie:
If anyone on this group can answer my questions respond here or PM me I don't care which and let me know on your opinions:pinkiesmile::heart:.

Joined because I dated someone who was polly, have a sister who is poly, thinking being poly would be a good idea for me..... Not sure though. *shrugs*

Hey there! Thanks for the fave :twilightsmile:

Is it alright to post Spikexbackground ponies?

proofreading and
editing service

PM me with any requests


321828 Hi Random..
What ships are you looking for?
I just added 2 stories;
Bubble Berry x (Pinkie Pie), as in a Pink Herd :heart:
"Pinkie Pie" x Sombra x Chrysalis "Queen Meanie"

I may have others, just need to consider if they are conforming and will benefit from exposure on this group.

I joined for AppleDashLight

This is the greatest group ever! Poly ponies are best ponies :pinkiehappy:

thx, kingy, i'll be sure to giv it a try later :pinkiehappy:

can we have a vote on getting a hie folder?

Smiles was here. :rainbowkiss:


Consider it fine. :twilightsmile:

Also, your group has been added to my list of specific shipping groups. If you hear about any more, send them my way!

Question: Can I put this group in the description of the RariDashLight group as a sister group? Since this is a polyamory group.

Joining because there's a harem folder.

Why isn't there a CMC folder?

Comment posted by Brkn_ogr deleted Feb 11th, 2014

That's two groups today I found that I feel suits me best! :pinkiehappy:
Today is a good day!

  • Viewing 23 - 42 of 42