• Member Since 5th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Monday


- My last submission was over 8 years ago.

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Various art that has caught my ever wondrous attention.

Dragon Slayer Ornstein (Dark Souls) by Blackash

Twilight Sparkle (MLP) by Yakovlev

The Saddest Khajiit (Skyrim) by DarrenGeers

Gwyndolin (Dark Souls) by Xmellulahx

Artorias (Dark Souls) by Unknown.

The Emerald Herald (Dark Souls 2) by K-Nashi

Velvet and Pyrelight by Vita

Lyra Sees a Human (MLP) by DocBullet


Questions by other users that stick out.

What gesture best describes your reaction to Chelsea in the EPL?. (This season is a joke)

Usually when we're about to score and then don't because that's just Chelsea

Reaction to Foalcon?

What about religion?


Where did you get your profile picture?

Do you have any real vices?

Seriously? What sort of question is that? But since you asked...

That inevitably leads to this...

And then back to that...

Rince and repeat...

This is subject to more questions I receive from anyone who cares enough to ask.


- Kevin McCarthy is the Spineless Worm most could only dream of.
- Ted Cruz was probably the Zodiac killer.
- I'd vote for Biden if he was a corpse.
- Why am I even updating this?


Sam Harris on Hillary losing. · 12:25pm Jan 29th, 2017

I know a lot of people had their minds made up when it came to who was to blame for the DNC's stunning loss last year. Many people felt as though Bernie Sanders had been fed a raw deal, that had he been nominated he would have made the presidency with ease.

I tend to reserve judgement on that and defer to what to one of the most prominent free-thinkers of our time has to say...


Report Teeemu · 421 views ·
Comments ( 147 )
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2300099 A little bit of everything. But that's the beauty of life... wouldn't you agree?:twilightsmile:

2299982 Well hurrrow to you too, new person!:twilightsmile:

I'm a big fan of horror and adventure, actually. I've got a novel in the works that is a Fantasy Adventure, ala Lord of the Rings. More like the movies than the books, actually. I'm a big fan of fight scenes and enjoy writing them immensely. Bassdrops and Bowstrings has a few of those, interestingly enough. My stories are rarely limited to one lone genre.

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