Switch Hitters! 490 members · 74 stories
Comments ( 156 )
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touches the ground
Something terrible happened here

Comment posted by Paxwing deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by Paxwing deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by Paxwing deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by Buckshot Gauges deleted Jan 11th, 2015
Comment posted by The Guardian and Friends deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by Lewd Yoshi deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by fuck mcdickbutt deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by Lewd Yoshi deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by fuck mcdickbutt deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by Lewd Yoshi deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by fuck mcdickbutt deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by Lewd Yoshi deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by Skrive Flip deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by Marshal Twilight deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by Lewd Yoshi deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by Archangel of the Silent deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by Poppyray deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by lunaminion deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
Comment posted by Dr Cupcakes deleted Jun 23rd, 2018
  • Viewing 137 - 156 of 156