• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Lewd Yoshi

There, finished. Go on... what do you think?

Fur Affinity

I have an FA account under the username SnowFoxGiven where I post general furry stuff alongside all my pony stories.

I'm currently working on a new series called Alchemess, come on over if you're interested in transformation potions.


FA and the future of this account · 8:06am Jul 22nd, 2018

So it's likely going to be a while before I work on a pony story again. I have ideas for several fics I'd like to make at some point in the future, but for now my scope has transitioned to general furry content. I've already posted my fimfiction stories on it, and am currently in the middle of making my first erotic furry thing. There's... actually a lot of firsts in it for me: growth and transformations and whatnot.

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Report Lewd Yoshi · 354 views · Story: Gilda's Redemption ·
Comments ( 39 )
  • Viewing 30 - 39 of 39

Thanks for the watch! ^^

I upvoted it, wasn't much I thought to comment on though. You did a good jerb and I'm excited to see twilight getting the ponk booty

Thanks for the fave mate. Don't forget to rate and comment.

2397639 Oh golly gee, thanks mister! In all fairness I will try to get something written soon xD

Thought I had you on my follow list. Let me fix that.

2355608 Aw ye, you also reminded me I gotta be immature for five seconds~

  • Viewing 30 - 39 of 39
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