• Member Since 20th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Thursday



Explanation on delay · 9:01pm Mar 26th, 2017

Hello everypony! I know what you're all thinking and no, I'm not dead. Me and my stories are still very much alive.

I am currently having trouble with gaining access to a computer. My laptop died on me. Luckily all of my progress on my fics and chapters were backed up on flash drives.

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Report axel106106 · 1,554 views · Story: The Return of a Legend ·
Comments ( 964 )
  • Viewing 960 - 964 of 964

I get that and best to ya

I’m still working on the stories. Just been caught up with life.:twilightblush:

Hey just wondering but will your Second Chance For Deaths Friends be update in the near future or what?


Nice. I just hope you can go back to your stories eventually.

  • Viewing 960 - 964 of 964
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