Humans That Are Not Little Bitches 766 members · 274 stories

(Well, most of it...)

Things that're not welcomed in this group

- Humans that're little bitches
- HIEs romance fics that's only conflict is drama
- Human ends up as a prisoner 'Oh, woe is me' kind of fic

I love these ponies, and I love the creative community that practically build this site, I really do, but I'm so disappointed at a growing number of the HIE fics here. Call me a speciest, but I simply don't like it when a human is seen as inferior or lesser than in any way (even if we're kinda worse than that in real life). I hope to make a small collection of fics that...well... you read the title.

Comments ( 16 )
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Im so used to seeing human male power fantasy stories that I wasn't even aware that there weren't such a thing to begin with. Guess 2014 was a different time I suppose

Me likey.... I just can't stand humans been made weak

I like this community

I love it here cause i can't stand the weak!

427250 My snapping finger is ready

Just added my story. A bit of slow start, but expect things to pick up when the humans start venturing out more.

Human ends up as a prisoner "I am going to break out of here and massacre every last damn person who put me in here and I am going to do it with STYLE and POISE and THERMONUCLEAR WARHEADS" is the best kind of story.
I applaud this group.

I recently posted a fic to this group where my guy ends up in a prison cell, but he's not exactly a prisoner. Is that ok?

excuse me but i have a request of you. A very nice user called Nosferus has died recently and Nosferus said anyone could take up his story afterwards so i wanted to ask if you would so kindly take up this wish. I know You probably have better things to do but it would mean so much to me if you could keep his story of Don't Get Cocky for me and the rest of his followers it... it would mean the world to me

Don't know If you've read it but diaries of a madman defiantly belongs on the list :pinkiecrazy:

Alright... Joined and added 3 stories to smack boredom like a little bitch. :rainbowwild:

I don't think that "similar groups" thing is working so well...:trixieshiftright:

Holy shit, there's people actually joining this thing:derpyderp2:

Comment posted by Berry Punch deleted Jun 23rd, 2014
Comment posted by Berry Punch deleted Jun 23rd, 2014
Comment posted by Happy deleted Jun 23rd, 2014
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