• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I'm odd. I dunno? I guess I'm here because some Empty Plots need Filler.

Blog Posts

  • 7 weeks
    Updates and Status.

    Hello, all of you,

    It's been a while since I've shown any real activity on here outside of a few comments here or there, which I doubt any of you may have seen. As far as my writing has gone, there's been next to nothing to show in terms of meaningful progress. There are reasons for that.

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    4 comments · 79 views
  • 11 weeks
    Current Issues: Getting Worse

    Hello, all of you.

    For those who have been following me for any length of time, you've come to know that I have my fair share of issues. The biggest issue has been my health, and I've been relatively open about most of those problems. The second largest issue I've rarely discussed has been my occupation and dealing with the compensation due to my ongoing condition.

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    8 comments · 103 views
  • 14 weeks
    Sneak Peak, BarCast Interview

    Yeah, the images are a little messy, but it's a work in progress. What's actually up with Spitfire? Why would she be getting combat ready?

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    2 comments · 73 views
  • 22 weeks
    Chapter 12 Update (No Spoilers).

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    2 comments · 134 views
  • 24 weeks
    Possible requests.

    I was wondering, given the new trend of art I've been taking on with A New Life In The Crystal Empire... There was a lot of art for CTTB that I was never able to get done. So, now I'm wondering, were there any pictures not created or scenes not illustrated any of you would like to see created?

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    17 comments · 175 views


Just a little about me.

I came into this scene rather late in the game. Just the results that my life has led me to from the paths I've taken. I'm not here to win favors or popularity. I just had a lot of ideas in my head about different concepts and some stories ideas that I finally decided to write down. My works won't be for everyone, and I'm okay with that. Really, I just want to make my stories happen, and the more people that can enjoy them along the way, the better.

Also, I've seen in the past that it can be difficult at times to find good help. Whether it be for readers, writers, editors/reviewers, artists, or people just looking for others to chat with. That's why I decided to create my own place to help others:

MLP WERA Connections Discord Server

Everyone is welcome to join.

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