"You're one of the reasons that keeps my fires burning. I said to myself, If this bastard can crank out content, so can I. Keep on keeping on, Shakes. I'll keep doing what I do, banging out story after story. But it's nice to know I've got folks like you to keep me company."
"God, Shakespearicles has got some awesome stories! Shakes, you are incredible. You should write more, and more often."
"You’re a fantastic writer, probably the best on the site."
"I'll never know how he maintains order over his stories with so little narration but he manages it somehow. Outside of telling me who said what, it's almost all dialogue. It does make for easy reading because I can just imagine whatever it is I'm looking at. He doesn't waste a single word, that's for sure."
"I tend to write PMs to authors if their work has a profound impact on me. As a general rule, I don't read anything on this site that doesn't include smut in some form. The 'M' tag is my natural habitat. But, when it comes to writers like yourself that can actually blend humor, drama, sexuality, morality, and complexity into a properly proportioned epic, it's something to behold. The fact that you've actually created completely believable and human characters with a premise typically reserved for base fetish fuel is so impressive it's almost indescribable.
I just want to commend you, not just on the strength of your writing, but the commitment you seem to have to quality and quantity, regardless of wait time. Not many authors have the passion to spare for something as niche and inconsequential as horsewords."
"I greatly enjoy your fics. They have a depth of story to them that make the explicit scenes all the more satisfying since everything comes together in the end.
I hear you're one of the greats on here when it comes to explicit stories so this really should be no surprise to me. With my fic ideas I'm soon going to put to paper, I greatly look up to you. Your Apple/Pear family, Trixie/Glimmer father incest, Apogee, Twilight family fics are some of your greatest in my opinion. And you can even pull a brilliant safe one out like your Spike/Rarity short. Mmm! What a heart puller.
But what I'm saying is that I hope I can be just as good as you sometime when it comes to fic writing. I definitely know I need improvement. So every time I need a good reference on what I could do better, I take a look at your fics and really get pumped on what I could do even better. I only have one fic so far, but as proud as I am of it, I know I can do better.
I just wanted to say, thanks. You make some amazing stories, and I hope to reach your level someday!"
"If Shakespearicles was a car, it would have no steering wheel or brakes because 'fuck you!' Where he's taking you, those will be the least of your worries with all the twists he's going to do. And all you can do is scream, and cry, and ask yourself why you took a ride with him in the first place, but then smile and lose your sanity because somehow, in the end, he pulls a 1440° tailspin parallel park with just a millimeter of clearance from the curb as if everything fit perfectly."
"If you could fuck writing and produce offspring with it, I would pick Shakespearicles's stories."
"I differentiate between stories with sex in them and sex stories. Shakespearicles, for example, writes plot stories and the struggle that characters go through maintaining their relationships. Not just wanting to bang, their relationships. They're people with flaws, goals, hopes and ambitions."
"The feeling I have every time I click into a Shakespearicles story: It certainly looks like I'm where I should be, but I'm not sure that I'm actually allowed to read something so grand."
"Shakespearicles, you are an inspiration. Your batshit insanity is a shining beacon in the darkness, burning like the raging wildfire of entropic devastation in the face of impending doom. A shout into the night, brief, terrifying, and never forgotten by the immortal denizens of the forgotten realms."
"Game of Thrones meets House of Cards but with more fucking."
"Known primarily as a porn writer, and for controversial opinions, folks sometimes forget that Shakes is also a really really good writer."
"You are One of the greatest authors of all time, good sir."
"The truth is that I probably would have stopped writing a long time ago if it wasn't for Shakes. Shakes ran the "Trapped" April 2020 competition, which I won, and in his post outlining the winners he referred to me as a "very talented and underrated author!" Just having someone as iconic as Shakes praising my work was enough to motivate to continue writing at a time I was ready to throw in the towel. Shakes is directly responsible for motivating me to write a significant amount of the things I've published. If he hadn't run contests and said positive things about my writing, I probably would have stopped when I still had 5 unfinished stories and nothing worth publishing. I don't think it's that far-fetched to say that Shakes' relentless positive attitude toward other writers has kept the NSFW scene alive, at the very least. And I'm not aware of anyone focused on the SFW side of the fandom that is doing anything remotely comparable."
"When I first read you, I though, "This guy's pretty good at smut. He can really get under your skin." But then I read more, and man, you are a literary genius. You can present the last moment of the last snowflake, a burning corpse, or an ordinary sandwich, and all of it will be a fucking masterpiece. This one is a modern social realist masterpiece, I'm actually shaking here. Holy fuck. Just write more random shit, I BEG YOU. Doesn't matter what, doesn't matter if it's mlp incest smut or a romanticist fucking play. Don't bother squeezing out the ending- real life doesn't have an ending anyways. Don't worry about the plot. Just write EVERYTHING. God I hope you'll just sit down to write a book, and the world will be perceptive enough to see you. But it doesn't fucking matter. The universe is uplifted through you simply writing. I'm absolutely livid here because I will never be so expressive or perceptive."
"They say you live your best life but I’m pretty sure Shakes is what happens when a whole bunch of peoples’ best lives all come together in one person."
"Shakes is a witch I think- a witch! His smut speaks to me, like an art piece. It just works. I had a hard time consciously tracking it, I can't really express it, and I have no idea how Shakes managed to get this stuff into a story about horse incest. I don't know if it's intentional, but he manages to somehow pull this shit in most of his other works also. A contemporary genius, a genie, or a literary anti-christ? We just don't know."
"Shakespearicles is the quintessential anti-hero. The talented, charismatic, belligerent, alcoholic genius that can't keep his dick in his trousers."
https://m.Ah but only were it so for me. Alas, for New Years is also a time for self reflection, and I've reached on conclusion
But every day is a blessing, so here's to being allowed to stumble through this wreck I've wrought for myself on this sad, mad, beautiful world with you and others on this site for another year
I'd ask about any resolutions, but any attempts at improvement on your part would just be gratuitous at this point
Happy New Year
Happy New Year