• Member Since 15th Jun, 2019
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“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” - Patrick Rothfuss

More Blog Posts203

  • Wednesday
    It Is Recommendsday, My Dudes #161

    Okay, so there's still new people to get through but you gotta remember that this blog series is mostly reliant on my whims. And I'm a little bored on that front, so I'm gonna switch gears and do a different pair of stories. Because I can. Also because I was reminded of one of these stories this last week and they're pretty damn funny.

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  • 1 week
    It Is Recommendsday, My Dudes #160

    Probably the hardest genre to get right is mystery. Not only do you need to craft a solid narrative that fulfills all the requirements of a good drama or comedy (because without that it's just a trumped-up logic puzzle), but you also have to create that mystery itself. It can't be too obvious - otherwise why bother - but you also can't make it rely on bullshit and information the reader is never

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  • 2 weeks
    It Is Recommendsday, My Dudes #159

    So continuing down the road to clear out my new authors folder, I'm going to put the focus first on one of the newer folks I really like: pneu. They've got a couple of really good ones, but the one I'm settling on today is my favorite of theirs so far: Haycartes'

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  • 3 weeks
    Author's Quarterly Update: Spring 2024

    This quarter's been a good news/bad news sort. (For around here, not in general. Life in general is fine.) Good news? I got a ton of writing done, which I'll get to on the specific story entries. I turned a bit of a corner and got some great work done that I'm excited about. Bad news? I am so behind on my reading. I mentioned last time that between Jinglemas and my reading project I had

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  • 3 weeks
    It Is Recommendsday, My Dudes #158

    So going through my staging ground for this blog, I found I've got several sets coming up that are going to be big thematic bursts - like a month and a half of dedicated Student Six fics - so timing is an issue for me. I don't want to interrupt something like that in the middle, but I also don't want to let other (and potentially more time sensitive) things fall by the wayside either. So

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It Is Recommendsday, My Dudes #17 · 7:34pm Jul 14th, 2021

We've got a double shot of FlutterCord pain this week from some big guns, so strap in.

The author of our first this week is Shakespearicles - known primarily as a porn writer (and for controversial opinions), folks sometimes forget that Shakes is also a really really good writer. The lead story today is an excellent example of that: Let Me Go.

The hook is fairly straight-forward: Discord cannot imagine life without Fluttershy. So he won't. The tale follows along as he ensures that there will never be a world without Fluttershy in it - even if she wants otherwise.

Beyond the fact that this is excellently written, it's a crossroads where sweet meets hellish. So many stories confront Twilight outliving her friends. Few if any ask "But what if Fluttershy outlives them all?" And I stress all.

Part of why this story hits so well is that I've seen two diametrically opposed readings of it and it manages to support both at the same time. On one hand, it's a poignant and tragic love story as Discord desperately tries to keep his love alive and she fights back with just as much force to have him accept the inevitable. On the other hand, it's showing the most toxic relationship possible as Discord forces Fluttershy to endure it all - even as she begs him to stop - because he can't deal with not having her in his life. I know my read on the story, but it's fascinating that it manages to be both a beautiful romance and a relationship horror story all at once.

No matter your reading of it, it's an amazing tale and one of my absolute favorite FlutterCords.

TLet Me Go
It is impossible for a pony to live forever. But Discord is a master of the impossible.
Shakespearicles · 9.9k words  ·  299  22 · 3.5k views

Following that we have (THE FLESH IS) WEAK by Paper Thin. I'll talk a bit more about the author in a paragraph or two - story first.

Now, I realize looking back that my presentations have been a bit odd - I've commented that I'm not really one for horror, yet I've covered a fair number of horror stories already in this blog. I'd say that's because the few that catch my attention are generally really good.

This is one such: it follows an introspective Celestia as she comes to grips with a horrible tragedy: Fluttershy is having a foal and Discord is the father. And unlike most of the fandom who happily draw or write out an adorable little bundle of yellow feathers and weirdness (sorry Ninjadeadbeard, this is no Anarchy tale), the author reminds us that Discord is an eldritch being from beyond time. He is not compatible with a small mortal horse. Bad Things happen.

The story is more tragedy than horror, but even then I would hesitate to call it mild or safe. If this is a ship you care about or you're invested in the characters, it's gonna be painful - but it's also one of those good ones that points out an aspect (ie Discord's nature) that's frequently overlooked or ignored.

That said... the author. So I was reviewing stuff for prepping this blog and realized the mysterious, one story Paper Thin had a blog up. And it changes a lot from an authorship standpoint. Paper Thin is, in fact, far more well-known writer Aragon, working under an alt to try and prove a point and, in his own words, "I also wrote what I personally perceived as hot garbage." This one's got two entire blogs written about it. Now, I have opinions about the topics Aragon broaches in those blogs (and strongly disagree on some of them), but I'll leave it to y'all to take your own conclusions. However given the nature of the story behind the story, I figure it's important to give that context. And to say: the story itself is still an interesting piece, no matter the author's intentions.

Here's how Fluttershy puts her life in danger: "I love you." Here's how he sentences her to death: "I love you, too."
Paper Thin · 2.2k words  ·  423  40 · 6.7k views

New or catching up? Try Recommendsday: The Index for your story needs!

Report TCC56 · 358 views · #recommendsday
Comments ( 1 )

Known primarily as a porn writer (and for controversial opinions), folks sometimes forget that Shakes is also a really really good writer.


We have so much in common! I too, recommend reading Let Me Go.

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