• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Don't read my stuff if you have a weak stomach or are easily bothered by traumatic genitalia damage. That's seriously all I've got in here!

You All Are The Reason I'm Drunk

Hi there, I'm anonpencil.

Well, let's start out on the right foot, shall we?
Let me just ask you: Why. The hell. Are you here.
Really. What are you even doing on my page? You read the warnings, you've seen my stories, you know that no good or personal growth can come from here. I can only conclude that there is something severely wrong with you for reading my work and checking out my page. Seek help. I mean...I wrote all this, so there's something wrong with me too. I guess we're both terrible people.
I'm also drunk.
If I'm ever not drunk, you should be surprised and maybe distressed.
You should join me though. Drinks are best when shared. Especially if you're going to read my work.

And thanks for reading and stuff I guess.

You can read all my shit in full and unedited here:
Anonpencil's Pastebin
I am moderately sorry.


I wrote a thing today. · 2:00am Last Tuesday

So. I wrote something. I won't make a big fancy blog post, just going to say that it's a Berry Punch story. I know I haven't written one for a while, and this one isn't exactly sexy or exciting. It's a hard read. I'll acknowledge that.

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Report anonpencil · 121 views · Story: Something I Wanted ·

Newest things I am moderately sorry to have created

I helped write or edit this shit.

Comments ( 412 )
  • Viewing 408 - 412 of 412

Lol thanks, I'll do my best.

RIP Anonpencil
I don't think she is dead, but I hope she rests peacefully

Preciate the follow! Means a lot 🙌🏽

I hope you come back and write more!!

  • Viewing 408 - 412 of 412
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