• Member Since 18th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Ultimus Pendragon

I am but a soldier of the pen, with the grace of a dragon. . .unraveling fiction, one story at a time.


Updates thru 01/28/24-02/03/2024 · 10:09pm January 28th

Hey guys, I figured I'd start up making blog posts about when you can expect chapters to be updated. Given it's the new year, I want to try this out.

That being said, so the first two stories for this week up for updates are; Cozy Zurg's Adventures, and Shield Hero. I may try to squeeze in Part Dragon, Part Princess, but that will likely be reserved for next week with the other story lined up for an update. Anyways, thanks for reading, and reading all of my stories, I really appreciate it.

Report Ultimus Pendragon · 104 views · Story: Age Of Shield Hero ·
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