• Member Since 8th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Hi, I am not a brony, but love good stories and this site has yielded many good works, also I'm a person who likes villains and thinks spike needs a bigger role in show than he has now.


It's alive!!!!!!!!!!! · 1:38am Aug 22nd, 2019

Hello to everyone who has stayed loyal to my original story. I bring great news! The story lives again on fanfiction.net and is slowly being revised to have a real plot behind it. my username for fanfiction is old666. hop on over there if you would wish to see the new version of the story.

Report flyingtigers40 · 229 views · Story: The Wyvern's Awakening ·
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You’re welcome

Thanks for the follow

I'd be happy to follow you if you follow me

Nice to meet you Tiger

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