• Member Since 24th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

The Grimm Reaper

The Grimm Reaper is the writer of the 'Darkness Duology', 'Immortal', 'They Come at Night... Mostly!' and 'Only Bone Deep'. Among others.


I dare someone to put Scott Sterling in Equestria Girls! · 12:53am Feb 14th, 2021

For those who don't know him:

Report The Grimm Reaper · 280 views ·

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Comments ( 298 )
  • Viewing 294 - 298 of 298

Thank you so much for adding An Anon-a-Miss Carol to your favorites! :twilightsmile:

Yeah, she's one of my favs too. She'll make another appearance before the story's done. Thanks!

Chel is my favourite character. Especially since she gave in and accepted Flash's offer of peace.

Thanks for the fav!
Any particular part you liked?

  • Viewing 294 - 298 of 298
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