• Member Since 13th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 4th, 2024


An author that is no longer writing. I loved and learned a lot from being here. Thank you for appreciating my words!

A Peek Through The Curtains

At risk of sounding cliche, understated, and cynical, I'm someone who is ambitious and fails to meet self-expectations more often than I succeed.

Idylia is a name built off the word ideal because I believe deeply in this world. For me, creativity comes from a place of genuine curiosity and wonder.

Through my writing I want to share things beautiful enough to strike wholesome awe into people.

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Horse City Soundtrack

Love of the unlovable|Love of community|Love of man.

strong the wild enchantress|even stronger when she glances|evilly she dances|eyes you know leave you in trances

in the brew she'll stir you away|hidden off the beaten path she'll lead you astray

This sense of self is something I can't work out on my own.

I don't need it. I don't think so. I'm not crazy. I don't think so

A million water droplets in 3/4 time.

Comments ( 69 )
  • Viewing 65 - 69 of 69

2215469 Please keep holding on.

questioning lotsa stuff. it's been hard! i'm holdin' on, though. Thanks for asking!

How have you been?

Man, I sounded harsh in that last comment of mine. Sorry about that.

Promises are for the weak. Commitment is what writers need. Throw me a message on Skype when you're available to maybe purrhaps hopefully do something. Cheers!

  • Viewing 65 - 69 of 69
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