• Member Since 19th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


What up fellow ponies and creatures! I go by RyujinDeath, your neighborhood Dragon at your service. I like to hang with friends, gaming like League of Legends and such. Anyone want to friend me?


New Story Need Help! · 2:36am Nov 30th, 2013

Dear Fimfiction Readers and Fans,

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Thanks for faving Riding In Zebrica

Thanks for faving Wolf Tamed! What did you like about it?

Thanks for the fave.

Thanks for the favorite on The Queen's Proposition!

Thank so much for the favorite! It honestly means a lot to me. If you want, please leave me a comment on what you like about my story, or what you don't.
No worries if you don't. ither way, you have a good day!

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