Explanation · 9:52pm Feb 1st, 2018
In One Month fans, I have recently reviewed my story and found that there are many fans of it. I regret to inform that you will never receive an ending from it, and I'm sure that that will come as no surprise.
A budding FiM writer. I don't do mane cast lesbian shipping, and I don't do long stories. Expect a reasonable (non-marysue) OC per story and lots of drama.
In One Month fans, I have recently reviewed my story and found that there are many fans of it. I regret to inform that you will never receive an ending from it, and I'm sure that that will come as no surprise.
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please tell me you aren't dead.

21 weeks?
I feel a need, a very strong need for some pony. SOoooooooo what would get me the most wondrous pony I desire?
I'm working on it >.< Well, technically, I am not working on the story, but I am, er, working on working on it.
I got a LOT of things going on xD