A Plan (Compared to B Plan)
Just messin' with your head. Anyways, I have decided that because I'm a lazy asshole, I need an actually countdown schedule for when I get things done.
Chapter 2, Published: July 15
Chapter 2, Editing: July 16
This means that Chapter 2 will be out by July 16. In dire emergencies (like if I need to stab someone with a toothbrush or piss off a murderous tiger-hippo-dodo bird by shuffling) I can have another day. But that's final. Good, now I need to go bawl my eyes out about how much shit I have to do.
Also, chapters will always come out on Mondays. Except when I say 'code red' because angry wasps are shooting out of my nipples. Freaking bananas.
Chapter 3, Published: July 27
Chapter 3, Editing: July 28
and yadda yadda yadda. A single week for publications and editions. Fantastic.
For a heads up, none of my chapters will be named serious names, like "I, II, III, IV..." or boring names like "Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4...". My titles will be pure and utter genius. Except the actual title of Road Trip through Equestria, because I am a retard with story titles but amazing with chapter titles.
Now that I have you all confused, Good night.
Thanks for the fave!
I'm glad that my little story about two ponies still being in love met with your approval! The Fave of The Father of My Children means quite a bit to me.
Well, I'm cleaning out my favorites, and come across the old Roadtrip story. Before unfaving it from lack of updates, I check to see if you, the author, even go on this website anymore. And I'm greeted with your latest blogpost.
... I don't know how to describe what I'm feeling.
I guess it's like you hear one of those friends you don't really remember turned out to be a serial killer.
(I say this because I thought the other story was innocent enough, and then you'd like to replace it with more serious and adult storylines.)
Thanks for the watch
Thanks for the watch