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Standing the Heat Progress · 7:26pm Jun 11th, 2017

Let me just start this post by saying sorry. I know it's been a long time since my last update, 4 months in fact. But in my defense during that time I've moved and started a job, not that it defends much since a good weekend was all this chapter really needed. Yes, the chapter is hard at progress, and about half way through, if not more at the time of writing. I just hope it's good enough to make up for the wait.

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Comments ( 35 )
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2290609 am trying, new job makes it a lot harder

10 weeks later...
So...is the story going to update anytime soon?

Nah...I understand that real life issues can get in the way, and as long as it isn't dead, and the status isn't "On Hiatus", I'm happy to wait for as long as it takes. :pinkiesmile:

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